Are you having a balanced diet? Do you know the things to be included to attain proper balanced diet? Healthy balanced diet consists of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates in proper proportion. “Pyramid” is followed by healthy diet which guides that our diet should include 6 – 11 servings of complex carbohydrates, 2 - 3 servings each of fruits and vegetables, 1 – 2 servings each of dairy products and proteins, and sparing use of added fats and sugars. In addition, you should include at least 6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily in your diet.
Balanced diet includes the five categories of food in correct proportions. Five categories are discussed below:
• Fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, foods with fiber content are the excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Fruit and vegetables may include frozen, fresh and canned fruits/vegetables including the salad vegetables. Apple and banana are small fruits and hence, can be eaten to its fullest by one person. One can have a medium slice of big fruits like water melon or pineapple. If one is not able to manage the fruits, he can go for fruit juices as they are available almost everywhere.
• Foods that contain starch
Bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, noodles; breakfast cereals are some of the things one’s diet should include. These types of foods are rich in fiber content and are the main source of vitamin B complex.
• Milk products
One should include milk and milk products like yoghurt, cheese, fromage – frais in diet. Calcium, vitamins, minerals, protein are widely found in these products. But, these products when taken in excess can increase your fat thus, making you fatty. Hence, one should try to get low fat versions of these products if possible.
• Meat, Fish. Poultry and pulses
Iron and vitamin B12 are found in excess in red meat. Besides this, one should have the habit of eating fish 1 – 2 times a weak. When eating red meat, one should try to go for leaner cuts and trim off all visible fat before cooking.
• Fat and sugar
This category includes all those foods that are high in fats and calories. Butter, low fat spreads, cream, mayonnaise, cooking oils, sweets, pastry foods are included in this group.
Hence, if one maintains the proper proportion and amount of above mentioned health care tips categories, he can attain a balanced and healthy diet.
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