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Friday, June 25, 2010

The Perfect Balanced Diet For The Pregnant Woman

Friday, June 25, 2010
It was very popular sentence that a pregnant woman should eat to her toe but it does not entail that she should eat much more double than her earlier amount of the food intake. It is not that much important as it can lead to the overweight and size of the body.
A pregnant woman should always get the advices from the doctor, the communities mid wife or the health visitors who keep the monitoring of the health of the mother and baby. During the early stages of the pregnancy the mother may fell uncomfortable
or she may become sick
causing her very difficult to eat but it can be overcome if she takes the necessary vitamins with very god essence.
Hence here are some of the important vitamins and proteins mentioned below which are very necessary for the well being of the baby as well as mother. There are lot of fatty acids of which some of are very important for the fetus growth and its brain development.
There should be continuous supply of Vitamin D as to avoid the low weight of the baby.
In the last phase of the pregnancy that is before the 10 weeks of giving birth, the mother should be provided the vitamin E, which is very important for the baby’s growth. Vitamin K is the most important vitamin in order to avoid the risk of hemorrhaging
A vegetarian woman does not have vitamin B12 in much more concentration and Vitamin B12 is the most essential element as it is the matter which is present in the mother’s milk, hence the mother should have the supplements of vitamin B12 before the birth.
The mother should have the perfect amount of iron in her body in order to make her baby well strong during the birth and the development of the baby.

A mother should avoid smoking, follow well diet plan  and with the required elements such as the folic acid needed for the development of the nervous system of the baby


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Unknown said...

For the first 3 months, the diet of a pregnant woman should include food rich in iron, folic acid and foods high in calcium. You may take iron and folic acid tablets if you are pregnant or lactating.

Maureen Muoneke MD

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