People who maintain proper weight live long and a healthy life. Chronic diseases, eating disorders, loss of physical activity or genetic problems are some causes for low weight of people. Due
to low weight, many problems can pave their way. They can fall ill very easily and find hard to recover quickly. Besides this, their looks also depreciate and they look very feeble and weak. You can easily find people, who are willing to lose their weight. They keep on diet and do every possible thing they can, to lose their weight. On the other hand, you will find people, who want to gain weight. Packing more pounds in weight is not easy task. These people are always in search of some Health Care tips. Few tips are discussed below:
to low weight, many problems can pave their way. They can fall ill very easily and find hard to recover quickly. Besides this, their looks also depreciate and they look very feeble and weak. You can easily find people, who are willing to lose their weight. They keep on diet and do every possible thing they can, to lose their weight. On the other hand, you will find people, who want to gain weight. Packing more pounds in weight is not easy task. These people are always in search of some Health Care tips. Few tips are discussed below:
- Calorie intake - Increase the number of calories intake. Try to consume more calories, then, you burn. Healthy food and healthy beverages can help you increase your weight. Even some combination's can help you increase the number of calories.
There are some beautiful combination like adding powdered milk to casseroles, avocados and olives to sandwiches, wheat germ to cereal, chopped meat to pasta sauce. They can help you in increasing your calorie intake.
- Have meals regularly - Don’t ever think of skipping meals, if you are trying hard to gain some weight. Instead increase your regular diet a bit. Have a second scoop of pasta, one more fresh fruit, prefer corn over beans etc.
- Proper exercise - Devoting some time to exercise and yoga will help in making your body. After doing exercise, you feel hungry all the more and this will help in increasing your diet.
- Weight gaining food - For adding one more pound to your weight, require amino acids that come from protein. One should have protein rich food like eggs. Avoid going for protein supplements without a prescription as they may harm your body.
- Popular myths - There are many myths regarding gaining of weight. One should avoid saturated fats like ghee, butter as they are not healthy fat for our body. Instead you should go for, mono saturated and polyunsaturated fats. Cold pressed oils like that of olive, sunflower, linseed, and canola can increase your weight. It is also believed that drinking bear helps in comparable change in weight. But, reality is far different from this. Bear makes your abdomen fatty giving you an awkward look.
If above steps are followed seriously, one can be sure of gaining weight soon!
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