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Saturday, July 31, 2010


Saturday, July 31, 2010
Are you a diabetic patient? Diabetes may pose serious danger to your health. Diabetes is a condition caused due to increase in the glucose level in blood. Diabetes may invite many problems. It is a silent killer. The worst part of diabetes

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Are you having a balanced diet? Do you know the things to be included to attain proper balanced diet? Healthy balanced diet consists of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates in proper proportion. “Pyramid” is followed by healthy diet which guides that our diet should include 6 – 11 servings of complex carbohydrates, 2 - 3 servings each of fruits and vegetables, 1 – 2 servings each of dairy products and proteins, and sparing use of added fats and sugars. In addition, you should include at least 6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily in your diet.

Balanced diet includes the five categories of food in correct proportions. Five categories are discussed below:

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Saturday, July 24, 2010


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Are you having smoking ‘stick’ in your hand right now? Were you smoking 5 minutes before? If you say ‘yes’, then, this article will serve your purpose. The pleasure provided by a 5 cm cigarette is just incomparable. It just relieves you from all your pains and activates the pleasure centers in your brain. Having it for 5 sec does wonders. All the stress is evaporated instantly. But, sit for few minutes and analyze yourself as to why smoking is necessary in your life? Can you get addicted so much to this simple stick, that you can’t live without it?

If you are more than a social smoker, the following facts may disturb you. The disadvantages of smoking are everlasting and can slowly and gradually destroy your life. According to estimation, about 40, 000 Americans are pushed into the mouths of death due to the prolonged consumption of nicotine that results in chronic lung diseases and coronary heart diseases. Tobacco has adverse effects on health doesn’t matter you smoke one packet in a day or are chain smoker. Tobacco products may contain 5, 000 different chemicals which are capable of increasing the risk of cancer. Smoking not only affects the heart and lungs but also have worst affects on digestive systems. Infertility, peptic ulcer disease and delaying healing in wounds are some of the results of smoking. Not only this, if you smoke, you also endanger the life of person accompanying you. According to researches, non smoker will inhale an equivalent of 4 cigarrates if remained in a room with a smoker for only 2 hours.

If one wants to quit smoking, he should be serious for it and should try quitting it at every possible cost. It may be difficult, but not impossible.

  • Be adamant
You have to make a firm decision and have to stand by it. Make a list of all the reasons as to why you want to quit smoking.

  • Be patient
Start taking steps slowly and gradually. One can’t quit smoking in few days. Start with minimizing it. Go for 3 cigarrates a day if you initially used to have 5.

  • Have some beautiful replacements
Try to change the smoking time, for instance, if you are in a habit of smoking after having food. Quit this and start having some tasty dessert in place of smoking. This will help you in getting rid of it.

  • Build Control
Sometimes you may feel attracted to it say before sleeping at night. Just try to have some mouth freshener in place of it.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Are you aware of mental health? This may sound a simple question, but many of us may not know the correct answer. Mental health is the way we think, we feel, we cope up with adverse situations. All can adjust to favorable conditions but mental health plays its role when we are to face some undesirable conditions. All get annoyed, disturbed, sad, stressed while facing problems. But, for some, this stress increases to a great extent.  They suffer from many disorders like depression, phobias, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia that do not allow them to behave normally.

According to WHO, mental health can be defined as a “state of well being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses

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Sunday, July 18, 2010


Sunday, July 18, 2010
Are you finding it difficult to manage your daily chores? Meeting the office needs and home requirements is posing problems? Are you thinking of taking a break from your boring daily routine? If all the answers are ‘yes’, it is advised that you should start taking care of your health as early as possible. It is proven that women need much care and attention as compared to men.

Women should get aware of their health before some serious

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Friday, July 16, 2010


Friday, July 16, 2010
Health and fitness are totally interrelated. If you are fit, you regard yourself as healthy. Today technology has made us lame. We walk through escalators, climb by lifts, and use cars. Having the excessive use of technology has made us somewhat unfit. If we take walking as an example, people who walk more, go for joggings are generally more fit. One can have good and healthy life just by walking few kilometers every day. Walking increases blood flow to brain which in turn increases the thinking ability. Hence, just by walking person can achieve sound health style.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010


Thursday, July 15, 2010
 People who maintain proper weight live long and a healthy life. Chronic diseases, eating disorders, loss of physical activity or genetic problems are some causes for low weight of people. Due

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